9 Online businesses in Nigeria

9 Online businesses in Nigeria

Are you tired of working for someone else? Ready to work on your terms and time? Are you fed up with a nine-to-five job that pays poorly, but offers little room for growth? If so, you’re not alone. There are lots of reasons why people choose entrepreneurship as a career choice. Some do it just because they love it, while others are looking for more money or stability. Perhaps you want more freedom or flexibility. Whatever reason drives your entrepreneurial spirit, here are three online businesses that might be a good fit for you. Each one has low startup costs and high-profit potential.

1) Website development/design

Web development is one of those areas where there’s always demand for new services. Whether you specialize in WordPress themes, eCommerce sites, custom programming, or SEO consulting, there will always be clients who need help getting their site up and running. And thanks to freelance marketplaces like Upwork (formerly oDesk), finding clients is easy—all you have to do is create an account and post your services online. You can also consider developing apps for mobile devices—it’s easier than ever before! Just remember that creating a great website takes time and effort, so make sure you choose a niche that interests you. For example, if you love art and design, then designing beautiful websites might be perfect for you. Or maybe building iPhone apps could be more your speed? Either way, it’s worth looking into!

2) Freelance writing

If writing is something that comes naturally to you, then freelancing as a writer might be a good fit. There are plenty of different types of writing gigs out there; some require technical skills while others don’t require any specific training at all. As long as you know some basic coding languages, all you need is a computer and a good idea.

3) Content writing

If you love writing but don’t want to work for someone else, becoming a content writer might be a great option for you. There are many companies that hire writers on a contract basis—just make sure that whatever company you choose has experience dealing with international clients so that your payment gets sent without any issues.

4) Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing allows anyone with an internet connection to earn money by promoting other people’s products or services. It’s actually one of the most popular ways people earn money online today because it doesn’t require any initial investment on your part other than time spent learning about different products and strategies involved in affiliate marketing. Some affiliates promote other people’s information products, while others promote actual physical goods.

5) Dropshipping

Dropshipping is another form of affiliate marketing that involves selling physical goods. However, instead of having to buy inventory upfront and storing it until you sell it, dropshippers simply list items for sale on their website and wait for customers to purchase them directly from wholesalers or manufacturers. This saves both time and money because dropshippers never pay full price for inventory; they only pay when they actually sell an item.

6) E-book publishing

The easiest way to get started with e-book publishing is to write a book yourself. All you need is enough expertise in your field to share what you know with others. From there, all you have to do is find an audience willing to read what you’ve written and publish it online using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or another self-publishing platform.

7) Social media management

Social media managers typically work for social media agencies or brands themselves, although some independent consultants directly offer social media management services through Fiverr platforms. To become a social media manager, all you really need is an understanding of how social networks operate and knowledge of current trends within each network. Once you have that, it’s just a matter of putting together a solid strategy and managing your clients’ accounts.

8) Online survey taking

One of my favorite side hustles is online survey taking. I make money every month taking surveys, and I love it! Survey sites like Survey Junkie will pay you to participate in their polls, and then you’ll receive your earnings via PayPal or direct deposit once you reach $20. Other survey sites include Swagbucks and Inbox Dollars.

9) Transcription

If typing fast is one of your strengths, then transcription might be a great side hustle for you. Most transcription jobs involve listening to audio files and typing out what was said during each recording.


We’ve talked about a lot of options here, but these are some of my favorites. Now it’s your turn to make money online from home! Which idea do you think you’ll try first? Do you have any questions for me? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll be happy to help!

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