Daycare Center/creche Business in Nigeria

Daycare Center; creche Business in Nigeria


Starting a daycare center/creche is a great way to get into the business of raising children. In this article, we look at how you can start your own daycare center/creche business in Nigeria.

The reasons why you would want to start your own daycare center/creche business in Nigeria.

There are many reasons why you would want to start your own daycare center/creche business in Nigeria. You can be your own boss, make money and help others. You will also be part of the growing daycare industry that is in need of more qualified professionals.

You can also be a role model for children who are trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives as well as being a leader in child development in Nigeria.

How to get the necessary permits.

You will need to obtain a license from the local government, as well as a business permit which is usually acquired from the local government. To do this you have to go through several steps:

  • Apply for your business permit with the local authority (usually in Nigeria it’s called LMDA-Local Management and Development Authority)
  • Once approved by LMDA, submit your application for a trade license at LGEA(Local Government Education Authority).

How to start with.

  • Choose a name for your child care center/creche business. You may create a brand name, or use your surname as the business title.
  • Choose a location for your daycare center/creche business. Check out places like schools and churches that allow you to use their premises if they are not fully booked during the weekends. This will help you save on rent costs and operational costs at the same time.
  • Select a suitable business plan for your daycare center/creche business. This includes setting up goals, determining how much capital is required, identifying potential customers and suppliers etcetera
  • Select an appropriate legal structure for running your daycare center/creche business such as sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited liability company (LLC) among others

Do’s and don’ts of daycare homes in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, there are a lot of daycare homes or creches. The rules and regulations that govern daycare homes in Nigeria are not very strict because they have been designed to be flexible. However, they still serve their purpose by ensuring that the children in daycare homes are safe from harm and abuse.

Here are some tips for those who plan to start a daycare home:

  • Make sure you understand the rules and regulations well before you open your center. If you don’t know what is required of your business, then find out about it now rather than later when something goes wrong at your center!
  • Create an environment where creativity can take place so that your pupils/children develop their own ideas as well as learn from others’ experiences/knowledge (think outside the box). This will help them grow up into independent adults who think critically rather than mindless followers who only follow instructions blindly without questioning anything else other than what they’ve been told by someone else (e g parents).

What is a daycare center in Nigeria and how does it differ from a nursery?

What’s the difference between a daycare center and a nursery?

In Nigeria, you’ll find that there’s no real difference between the two. A daycare center is essentially what people in South Africa would call a crèche, while nurseries may also be referred to as creches. The word “crèche” comes from the French word meaning “to create”, which refers to God creating man on earth. This term has been used since 1963 to describe places where children are taken care of during working hours by trained people outside their homes. In some places, it may be called a childcare center or childcare facility.

Who it is suitable for.

The creche business is suitable for anyone that wants to start a business and be their own boss. If you are looking for a career, it is also ideal as the work can be done from home. The only cost involved with this type of business is getting your license and buying some equipment such as toys, books, and other basic necessities for the children. Once you have these things, all you have to do is advertise your services and wait for clients to come through your door!

How to advertise.

When you are ready to advertise your business, there are a number of ways that you can do it.

  • Social media: You can use social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to get people’s attention. You should make sure that any images of your products or services are high quality and show the best possible aspects of what you have to offer.
  • Billboards: Billboards are another way that people will see what you have on offer at your daycare center/creche business in Nigeria. If possible, get one placed near where many people pass through so that they are more likely to see it and be interested in what is being advertised.
  • Newspapers: Newspapers still exist but not everyone uses them anymore because they tend not to be as popular as some other forms of advertising these days (e-readers). However, if there is a newspaper that has a readership around where your daycare center/creche business operates then consider placing ads in it!

How to make money in the Daycare business in Nigeria.

You can make money in a daycare business in Nigeria by charging parents on a daily basis or monthly, yearly, or per session. You can also charge them for the number of days they use the services of your daycare service center.

The fee charged would depend on what the parent(s) can afford to pay and also how much profit you want to make from the business.

There are many options when it comes to opening your own daycare center/creche business

There are many options when it comes to opening your own daycare center/creche business.

  • Daycare center/creche business is a profitable business.
  • Daycare center/creche business is a good business to invest in.


Daycare centers are a great business in Nigeria. The demand is high and the return on investment is good. Starting one is not as difficult as you think, and there are lots of resources online to help you get started. You can even use this post as a starting point! If you have any further questions or concerns, just let me know in the comments below and I will gladly answer them for you.

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