Frozen Food Sales Are Booming – Here’s Why You Should Get in on the Action!

frozen food business in Nigeria

If you’re struggling to think of ways to increase your frozen food sales this year, here are some ideas that might help! In the last decade, frozen food sales have steadily increased to the point where they now account for over $3 billion in annual revenue in Nigeria alone – and these numbers continue to rise each year.

Why are people so interested in frozen food? They’re convenient, easy to prepare, and healthy – but only if you choose wisely! Here are some of the best-frozen foods on the market and how you can use them to increase your profits this year…

The health benefits of frozen foods

Frozen foods, which can last for years if properly stored, are loaded with nutrients. In fact, a recent study published in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports that frozen strawberries retain up to 97 percent of their antioxidant capacity after six months—compared to only 60 percent for fresh strawberries. Frozen berries also scored higher when it came to phenolic compounds, which reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

With frozen fish and shrimp boasting low levels of mercury while still offering plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, you can enjoy these delicious seafood staples without having to worry about contaminants. And since frozen meat is flash-frozen within hours of being butchered, it retains more moisture than its fresh counterpart. This means you get more bang for your buck:

A serving of chicken contains about 20 percent less water than a serving of fresh chicken. Plus, many companies now sell no additives or natural frozen meats, so you don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals leaching into your food during storage. So next time you’re at the grocery store or freezer aisle, be sure to pick up some healthy frozen foods; they’ll help keep your kitchen stocked with nutritious ingredients all year long!

The convenience factor

When it comes to frozen food sales, convenience is king. Frozen foods are a fast, efficient way to cook nutritious meals and get them on the table without having to worry about what they’ll taste like or if they’ll be eaten. Frozen shrimps and snails might not be something you had considered as part of your diet before now, but with all these convenience products it becomes much easier than before. Want frozen chicken?

Just pop one into your microwave and 10 minutes later you have an easy meal that is healthy and delicious too. Who doesn’t want more of that? With everything from frozen cereal boxes to frozen pizza rolls, there is plenty of choices when it comes to choosing what kind of snacks you would like to eat over the coming months, years even.

How to get started with your own frozen business

Now that you know frozen food sales are booming, you’re probably eager to get started. But how? Start by finding a way to get your products into retail spaces. If you have great relationships with local grocers and restaurants, don’t be afraid to approach them about adding your frozen food business to their menu. Be prepared with a well-researched business plan and have your product samples ready for potential buyers.

Another avenue for new frozen food businesses is wholesale distribution — reach out to companies that already sell to your target market (e.g., seafood lovers) and try selling them why your frozen fish products or frozen shrimps would make good additions to their stock as well.

A common complaint from home cooks who want to start selling frozen foods is Where do I even begin? In order to get your own frozen food business off of the ground, it’s important to identify an underserved niche in an existing market.

For example, maybe no one makes specialty baked goods for dogs like peanut butter dog treats – so you do! Or maybe there’s a hole in people’s hearts where pimento cheese ice cream used to be – so you make some and serve it at local street fairs until word gets around and demand gets high enough that grocery stores start stocking it!

In conclusion, frozen food sales are booming, and with these ideas, you can get a slice of those profits.

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