Nigerian Food Processing: Everything You Need to Know

Nigerian Food Processing Everything You Need to Know

Nigerian food has become increasingly popular around the world, but many people are still unaware of the process that goes into making their favorite dishes and snacks. In this post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Nigerian food processing, including popular recipes, food processors to look out for, and the different types of the Nigerian seasoning mix on the market today.

If you want to find out more about Nigerian food processing, this guide will give you all the information you need.

What is food processing?

Food processing is any method or technique used to make food safe, palatable, and easier to store. Modern food processing technology may use a combination of both industrial and kitchen-based equipment. The preparation, cooking, presentation, packaging, marketing, and distribution of food are often known as food processing in industrialized nations.

In some developing countries, they may be completely different operations so we can’t say it’s all about one thing. In countries such as Nigeria, foods are processed by industries using sophisticated methods. These methods include smoking, pickling, milling (grinding), and extruding (see puffed cereal).

Some traditional foods have been developed with no specific relation to their source—one example being common salt. It was discovered that salt added to meat greatly prolonged its shelf life.

Nowadays, there are five major types of food processing techniques:

Mechanical/Physical – examples include grinding, homogenizing, churning, cutting;
Chemical – includes washing/cleaning;
Fermentation – production of alcohol;
Preservation – processes that inhibit the growth of microorganisms and enzymes;
Packaging – which involves filling a container for storage or transport with a product.

Most commonly, food is processed in order to remove non-food components, increase safety, and extend shelf life. There are also culinary techniques that transform an ingredient into something entirely new and therefore processed. For example, it would not be possible to produce chocolate chip cookies without first chopping chocolate into small pieces. A few thousand years ago people began extracting sugar from sugarcane in India.

Why Do We Process Our Foods

Many people ask why we process our foods. Why do we need food processing plants in Nigeria? The simple answer is that it’s a natural human desire to refine our foods and bring out their best taste, texture, and consistency. We want our fruits soft and juicy, with their flavors ripe and full-bodied. We want our meats tender and juicy, with robust flavors that don’t diminish during cooking or on eating.

And while some argue that these desires make processed foods less healthy than fresh ones—though fresh fruits are actually often sprayed with preservatives—most people accept that it’s better for us if we can eat what is good for us when it tastes better.

Where do we process our foods?

There are two ways of processing food in Nigeria and across Africa; we either process our food locally or import it from developed countries. Nigeria’s imports from Europe and North America totaled $11 billion in 2011. However, the local business idea can be a good opportunity for start-up businesses with modern food processing technology.

The highest number of people who live on less than $1 a day work in African agriculture (World Bank). Unfortunately, their incomes are low because they lack capital and depend on outdated tools, like hoes and hand scythes that quickly wear out under such hard labor. There is simply no incentive to improve their methods for many farmers since they already have enough produce to feed their families.

Modern food processing technology will help increase farmer productivity and create jobs. For example, small-scale milling machines can replace manual grinding, which saves time and reduces back strain among workers. As long as you invest in high-quality machines that meet international standards, you should be able to earn a profit by selling your products at market prices or even higher.

What are the common methods of processing?

Common methods of processing include oil extraction, and most plants use one or more of the following techniques: sun drying, dry-heat cooking, fermentation (including salting and smoking), preservation by sugaring or salting, and grinding.

When it comes to food processing in Nigeria, you’ll find that there are a variety of different ways in which fruits and vegetables are preserved for consumption throughout the year. In some cases, certain ingredients may be fermented in order to make them last longer; in others, they may be ground into powder form or dehydrated until they can be stored for later use.

If you’re trying to decide what method will work best for your business idea -based on foods grown locally-, think about what type of foods you want to focus on serving—and then ask yourself how those items might best be preserved. For example, if you have a business idea based around fruits and vegetables that are harvested in Nigeria, but most of them aren’t particularly long-lasting, it may make sense to focus on food processing methods that will allow you to preserve them in some way.

For example, fermentation is a popular food-preservation technique because it allows many fruits and vegetables to last longer without having to be refrigerated.


The Nigerian food processing industry is booming, and for good reason. The country imports roughly 85% of its food and importing foods from overseas can get very expensive. Furthermore, importing foods means that you have little control over how a product is made and where it comes from. Food processing plants are popping up all over Nigeria as a response to rising food prices, but these facilities need qualified workers in order to ensure an efficient production process. We’ve compiled a guide of everything you need to know about Nigerian food processing plants. It includes information on how different businesses run, what kind of jobs they offer, typical training programs, and more!

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