Plastic Bricks Making: An Innovative Business Idea


The production and marketing of plastic bricks is an innovative business idea with significant environmental and economic potential. This venture involves repurposing plastic waste to produce plastic bricks. If an entrepreneur produces say, 13,000 plastic bricks per month, totaling 156,000 plastic bricks annually, the potential revenue can be $6,500 per month, translating to $78,000 per year. With a relatively low project cost of about $10,000 – $20,000, this business promises high profitability while addressing critical environmental issues by repurposing plastic waste.

Production Process

The production process for plastic bricks involves several steps designed to make sure of the durability and quality of the final product. The methodology is based on converting plastic waste into building materials, a process gaining traction globally. Here’s an overview of the steps involved:

  1. Collection of Plastic Waste: Gather plastic waste materials, which are abundantly available as litter in urban areas.
  2. Cleaning and Shredding: Clean the plastic waste to remove any dirt and impurities. Once cleaned, shred the plastic into small pieces.
  3. Mixing with Other Materials: Mix the shredded plastic with sand or other aggregates. This mixture is essential for creating a composite material that is strong and durable.
  4. Heating: Heat the mixture until the plastic melts and binds with the aggregates. This step requires controlled temperatures to avoid burning the plastic.
  5. Molding: Pour the molten mixture into molds shaped like bricks. Compress the mixture in the molds to remove any air pockets and make sure of the compactness.
  6. Cooling and Curing: Allow the bricks to cool and harden. This process may take a few hours to ensure the bricks are solid and ready for use.

This process ensures that the essential properties of the plastic are utilized to create bricks that are robust and long-lasting, making them suitable for various construction purposes.

Market Analysis

Plastic bricks are a relatively new concept in the construction market, yet they offer many advantages that traditional bricks do not. They are long-lasting, with an estimated lifespan of up to 100 years. These bricks are suitable for construction in wetlands due to their resistance to water and moisture.

The market for plastic bricks is poised for growth as environmental concerns become more prominent and the demand for sustainable building materials increases. In Lagos, Nigeria, where this innovation is being piloted, there is growing interest from both government and private sectors in adopting eco-friendly construction methods. Plastic brick production aligns with global environmental goals, making it an attractive venture.

Source of Supply of Equipment and Raw Materials

The primary raw materials for this business—plastic bottles—are abundantly available in urban centers as waste. This readily available supply reduces costs and also addresses the pressing issue of plastic pollution. By repurposing these bottles, the business contributes to a cleaner environment.

Profitability Analysis

The profitability of the plastic brick business is promising, given the low production costs and high demand for sustainable building materials. Here is a breakdown of the revenue and costs:

  • Potential Daily Revenue: $250
  • Potential Monthly Revenue: $6,500
  • Potential Annual Revenue: $78,000

After accounting for production and operating costs, the annual profit is projected to be $70,717, making this a highly lucrative business venture.


The production of plastic bricks presents a unique opportunity to generate substantial income while addressing environmental challenges. This business not only offers a solution to plastic waste management but also provides a sustainable alternative to traditional construction materials.

For Nigerian and African entrepreneurs looking to venture into this field, we offer comprehensive, detailed, and bankable business plan services to guide you through the process. Contact us at +234 7014854184 to transform your vision into a thriving enterprise.

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