Grow Crops And Vegetables


Crops And Vegetable Farming can yield great profit margins if you know what to grow and focus on growing the most profitable ones. Whether you have many acres on a small farm, a greenhouse, or in your backyard – you can make sustainable income by growing the right things for the highest profit margins and commodity items.

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If you want to make money from farming but don’t want to wait too long, this ebook will show you how.

Fruits grown in Nigeria include mango, pineapple, plantain/banana, citrus, guava, and pawpaw, while vegetables include onion, tomato, okra, pepper, amaranthus, carrot, melon, Corchorus olitorus (ewedu), Hibiscus sabdariffa (sobo), and Adansonia digtata (baobab leaves).

Several crops, especially if you farm during the rainy season, can be planted and harvested in three months or less. This means that they will be ready for sale in about 90 days from the time they are sown. Farmers and agribusinesses can make millions of dollars by cultivating multiple times a year.

These crops allow you to cash out in a shorter period of time. The risk is lower because the longer crops are grown on farmland, the greater the risk.

Learn how to grow different types of common crops and vegetables found in Nigeria with this complete guide.

PDF 72pages


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