
A document that describes the Tomato farming and Processing Business, the products and services, and the customers to sell to. It explains the business strategy. How to build and grow the business, what the marketing strategy is, and who the competitors are.

A Business Plan with clearly mapped out strategies and a Unique Selling Point. A 3-year business financial projection showing the minimum required capital for take-off and ROI plans.

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Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

1.1. The Problem

1.2. The Opportunity

1.3. Mission

1.4. Value proposition

1.5. Theory of change

1.6. Solution

1.7. Social Return on Investment

1.8. Financials

1.9. Management Team

  1. 2. Introduction
  2. 3. Operational Summary 

3.1. Organizational Structure

3.2. Value Proposition

3.3. Business Model

3.4. Profit formula (Unit Economics)

3.5. Measuring results

  1. 4. Market Analysis

4.1. Industry analysis

4.2. Our competitive edge

4.3. Risk Analysis

  1. 5. Strategy for Growth
  2. 6. Management Summary 

6.1. Management team

6.2. Advisors

6.3. Personnel Plan

  1. 7. Financial Plan

7.1. Revenues

7.2. Expenses

7.3. Net surplus

7.4. Quarterly statement of income

7.5. Annual cash flow statement

7.6. Capital Requirements

  1. 8. Appendices

8.1. Farmer contract

8.2. Indicative workplan

8.3. Map of Nigeria

8.4. Financials projections and assumptions


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