Why You Should Start A Tiger Nut Milk Business Right Now



Tiger nuts are a popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world. But can you make money with them? You bet. Tiger nut milk is a great way to start your own business, especially when you know how to market yourself and your product correctly. There are several factors that will determine how successful your tiger nut milk business will be:

Why Tiger Nuts?

Tiger nuts are a good source of protein, iron, and calcium. They’re also gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and safe for people with nut allergies.

They have been shown to have many health benefits including lowering cholesterol levels, supporting healthy skin and hair growth, and helping with weight loss. Some studies even suggest that they can help improve your brain function!

What Is So Special About Tiger Nuts?

Tiger nuts are a rich source of protein, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. They’re also known to be effective in treating diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

Tiger nut milk can be used as an alternative to cow’s milk or soy products — it has no cholesterol or lactose (a sugar found in cows’ milk). This makes it an excellent choice for people who don’t want to consume dairy products but still want to get their daily dose of nutrients from plant-based sources!

Why Is Tigernut Milk Good?

Tigernut milk is a good source of energy. It contains more than 20% protein, which gives you the strength to do whatever you want to do in your life. Tigernut milk also contains calcium and potassium, which are essential minerals for good health. The combination of these nutrients will help you get all the nutrients that your body requires without any problem at all!

Top Tiger Nuts Benefits

  • Tigers nuts are rich in protein, which is essential for the growth of your body.
  • Tigers nuts are also rich in fiber, which helps to keep your digestive system healthy.
  • Tigers nuts contain calcium, iron, and zinc that help build strong bones and muscles.
  • They contain potassium too! This mineral ensures good blood pressure levels by regulating fluid balance in the body; it also prevents cramps during exercise or during menstruation (when we sweat out sodium).


Tiger nut milk is a healthy alternative to dairy milk. It’s easy to make, versatile, and delicious. Tiger nuts are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals—so why not try making your own?

  • What Is Tiger Nut Milk?

Tiger nut milk is made by soaking tiger nuts in water for 2-3 days until they’re soft enough to extract their liquid content (the same way you’d use coffee grounds). Then you strain out the pulp using cheesecloth or another fine cloth; if using cheesecloth allows more of the nutritious pulp into your final product, please feel free to do so! The resulting liquid contains several grams of protein per cup (which is equivalent to two eggs), as well as vitamins A, B2, and C; calcium; iron; potassium; magnesium…and so much more!

Tigernut milk business plan

If you want to start a tiger nut milk business, here are some things that are important for your plan:

  • How to make tiger nut milk. This is the most important part of starting a tiger nut milk business because it will determine whether or not you have success in this venture. Your goal is to make money from selling it, so knowing how to do that is essential!
  • Where and who will buy your product? Will they be able to pay more than ₦500 per bottle? What kind of packaging should I use (and what size)? What kind of marketing strategy should I employ? These questions need answering before moving forward with any project.


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